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EVaRT setup

Description: How to setup evart-stream and evart_bridge?

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER

evart-stream setup

Cortex is the motion capture software provided by Motion Analysis. It provides an API which allows to retrieve tracking information.

This API is used by evart-stream which can then stream it over the network to multiple clients simultaneously.

The first step to use this stack is to download evart-stream and compile it.

The easiest way is to use a mingw cross-compiler. It can be installed on Ubuntu through the package gcc-mingw32:

# Install the cross-compiler.
sudo apt-get install mingw32
# Retrieve evart-stream, uncompress the sources and execute the following
# commands. $CORTEX_API_DIRECTORY is the directory where you uncompressed
# the Cortex API (this package has been compiled aginst SDK2_v1.0.3_win32.zip,
# but it may work with other SDK versions).
mkdir build
cd build
../configure --host=i586-mingw32msvc --with-sdk--include=$CORTEX_API_DIRECTORY --with-sdk-lib=$CORTEX_API_DIRECTORY
# You can them copy the evart-stream.exe binary with the Cortex API DLL
# on the Windows machine hosting the Cortex software.

After this, you can start Cortex, connect the cameras, add the traked object models and start the capture. Then, launch evart-stream.exe.

evart_bridge setup

Compile the ROS node using rosmake:

rosmake --rosdep-install evart_bridge

When this is done, you can run the node using the following command:

rosrun evart_bridge evart

By calling rosnode list, you can check that a node called evart is running.

Wiki: evart_bridge/Tutorials/EVaRT Setup (last edited 2012-01-23 13:37:58 by ThomasMoulard)